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Dance4Denim Do

  • St Luke's Church Hall Court St Taralga Australia (map)

Come along to a fun family Boot Scooting Line Dancing Fund Raising Event at the St Luke’s Church Hall, Taralga.

The door sales will be donated to the Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI), and the event is being provided by the Goulburn and Surrounds Committee of the CMRI.

Caroline and Simon Greig, who live in Taralga, are the local Committee members.

We will have a variety of very capable Line Dancing men and women on site to assist with the moves, and our Dance Lead, Wilma, will provide advice, tutoring and a fine selection of beats across a broad variety of genres.

This is not an event just for women - come on men, bring your girl and have some easy fun for a few hours.

Ticket sales at the door - cash and card welcome.

If you have a question, please write to

Thank you.

Hall entry on Court St, between Orchard and Chisholm Sts

8 August

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18 October

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